Λίστα με συνέδρια όπου παρουσίασε σαν ομιλητής

1. Résultats à 7 ans après traitement avec trochleoplastie de creusement de l’instabilité patellaire objective en présence de dysplasie de trochlée de haut grade/ 7 years follow up after treatment of objective patellar instability with deepening sulcus trochleoplasty. P. Ntagiopoulos (Lyon), P. Ferrua (Milan – Italie), P. Byn (Gand – Belgique), D. Dejour (Lyon). Program & Abstracts of SFA Congress, 5-7 December 2013, Bordeaux.
2. O217: Quantification des paramètres d’engagement patellaire en IRM selon les critères SFA dans une population témoin. P. Ferrua, P.G. Ntagiopoulos, G. Demey , D. Dejour. Program & abstracts of the 88th Congress of the French Society of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology (SO.F.C.O.T.), 11-14 November 2913, Paris, France.
3. Diagnosis of different patterns of anterior cruciate ligament tears with instrumented laximetry. PG Ntagiopoulos, JC Panniset, PR Saggin, D Dejour. Presenter. Program & abstracts of 14th EFORT Congress, 5-8 June, Istanbul, Turkey.
4. Double-bundle ACL reconstruction using the Outside-In Technique. PG Ntagiopoulos. SBM/Medist satellite symposium, 6 June 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.
5. ‘Revision ACL and Combined Instability’ Roundtable: Is the ACL rerupture really traumatic?
PG Ntagiopoulos. Speaker at the 3rd International Knee Update, 7-9 March 2013, Davos, Switzerland.
6. ‘Revision ACL and Combined Instability’ Roundtable: ACL Augmentation after initial insufficient surgery. PG Ntagiopoulos. Speaker at the 3rd International Knee Update, 7-9 March 2013, Davos, Switzerland.
7. Which is the Ideal Knee Angle for Fixation in MPFL Reconstruction? PG Ntagiopoulos, B Sharma, S Bignozzi, N Lopomo, F Colle, S Zaffagnini, D Dejour. P7151, Program & Abstracts of 9th Biennal ISAKOS 2013, 12-16 May 2013, Toronto, Canada.
8. 5th Congress of Hellenic Association of Arthroscopy Knee Surgery & Sports Injuries, 3-6 April, Larissa, Greece. P.G. Ntagiopoulos P. Saggin, J – C. Panisset, D. Dejour. O36: The diagnostic value of clinical tests, magnetic ACL tears. resonance imaging and instrumented laximentry in the differentation of complete versus partial tears.
9. 5th Congress of Hellenic Association of Arthroscopy Knee Surgery & Sports Injuries, 3-6 April, Larissa, Greece. P.G. Ntagiopoulos P. Byn, D. Dejour. O40: The role of Lyon’s sulcus-deepening trochleoplasty in previous unsuccesful patellofemoral surgery for recurrent patellar dislocation.
10. EFORT Fellowship presentation report. PG Ntagiopoulos, 13th EFORT Congress – General Assembly, 22-25 May 2012, Berlin, Germany.
11. Arthroscopy Committee: The ACL laxity evaluation: How to make a difference between partial and total? What can we measure from the standard X-ray to the dynamic MRI. D Dejour, PG Ntagiopoulos, PR Saggin, JC Panisset. 15th ESSKA Congress, 2-5 May 2012, Geneva.
12. Arthroscopy Committee: Patella dislocation: Soft tissue and bony procedures. SY27-4035, The role of soft tissues according to bony procedures. D Dejour, PG Ntagiopoulos et al. 15th ESSKA Congress, 2-5 May 2012, Geneva.
13. Correlation of optimal entry point for antegrade nailing with femoral neck-shaft angle. G Anastopoulos, PG Ntagiopoulos et al. Presenter of free paper No. 220. Program & abstracts of the 2010 AAOS Annual Meeting, March 9-13, 2010, New Orleans, USA.
14. Can low doses of simvastatin enhance fracture healing? An experimental study in rabbits. P357. D Chissas, PG Ntagiopoulos et al. Program & abstracts of the 2009 AAOS Annual Meeting, February 25-28, 2009, Las Vegas, USA.
15. Computer-assisted 3D correlation of the femoral neck-shaft angle and optimal entry point for intamedullary nailing. PG Ntagiopoulos, J Dourountakis, G Christophoglou et al. P123. Program & abstracts of the 9th EFORT Congress, Nice – France, 29 May – 1 June 2008.
16. The effect of systemic administration of simvastatin to fracture healing: an experimental study. D Chissas, G Stamatopoulos, D Verettas, K Kazakos, A Papaeliou, PG Ntagiopoulos et al. F287. Program & abstracts of the 9th EFORT Congress, Nice – France, 29 May – 1 June 2008.
17. Management of tibial shaft fractures with Hoffmann external fixators. G Loupasis, G Anastopoulos, PG Ntagiopoulos et al. P712. Program & abstracts of the 9th EFORT Congress, Nice – France, 29 May – 1 June 2008.
18. Intramedullary nailing of femur and tibia: Can we reduce the radiation exposure during distal locking? PG Ntagiopoulos, D Chissas, L Kastritseas et al. P739. Program & abstracts of the 9th EFORT Congress, Nice – France, 29 May – 1 June 2008.
19. The role of modular necks in total hip arthroplasty with ceramic-on-ceramic components. PG Ntagiopoulos, D Chissas, N Zacharakis et al. P305. Program & abstracts of the 9th EFORT Congress, Nice – France, 29 May – 1 June 2008.
20. Mid-term results from the application of closed antegrade reamed intramedullary nailing for the treatment of femoral shaft fractures. G Anastopoulos, G Christofoglou, PG Ntagiopoulos. Program & abstracts of Osteosynthese International 2009 – Annual Congress of the Gerhard Küntscher Society (GKS). Sept. 10-11, 2009, Leeds, UK.
21. Computer-assisted three-dimensional correlation between the femoral neck-shaft angle and the optimal entry point for antegrade nailing. G Anastopoulos, PG Ntagiopoulos et al. Program & abstracts of Osteosynthese International 2009 – Annual Congress of the Gerhard Küntscher Society (GKS). Sept. 10-11, 2009, Leeds, UK.
22. Can low doses of simvastatin enhance fracture healing? An experimental study in rabbits. D Chissas, PG Ntagiopoulos, et al. Program & abstracts of Osteosynthese International 2009 – Annual Congress of the Gerhard Küntscher Society (GKS). Sept. 10-11, 2009, Leeds, UK.
23. Concomitant subcapital and ipsilateral inter-trochanteric fracture of the femur: an unusual fracture pattern and review of the literature. P. Ntagiopoulos, G. Loupasis, G. Anastopoulos, A. Assimakopoulos. Program and abstracts of the AIOD-GKS Combined Meeting “Osteosynthesis International”, 13-15 Sep 2007, Strasbourg, France.
24. A case of delayed reduction in the treatment of asymmetrical bilateral traumatic dislocation of the hips. P. Ntagiopoulos, D. Chissas, N. Zacharakis, A. Asimakopoulos.Program and abstracts of the AIOD-GKS Combined Meeting “Osteosynthesis International”, 13-15 Sep 2007, Strasbourg, France.
25. Introduction of the new Stryker S2 distal targeting device in closed intramedullary nailing of femoral shaft fractures. D. Chissas, P. Ntagiopoulos, G. Anastopoulos, A. Asimakopoulos. Program and abstracts of the AIOD-GKS Combined Meeting “Osteosynthesis International”, 13-15 Sep 2007, Strasbourg, France.
26. Distal locking of tibial intramedullary nails: preliminary results from the use of the new Stryker S2 distal targeting device. P. Ntagiopoulos, D. Chissas, G. Anastopoulos, A. Asimakopoulos. Program and abstracts of the AIOD-GKS Combined Meeting “Osteosynthesis International”, 13-15 Sep 2007, Strasbourg, France.
27. Impact of an antibiotic restriction program on prescribing habits of ICU physicians [Abstract 0386]. Paramythiotou E, Ntagiopoulos P, Aggelopoulou H, Koutsodimitropoulos J, Poularas J, Kalogeromitros A, Karabinis A. Program and abstracts of the 20th Annual Congress of European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, 7-10 October 2007, Berlin, Germany.
28. Impact of an antibiotic restriction program upon the resistance pattern of Gram-positive bacteria [Abstract 0833]. Paramythiotou E, Ntagiopoulos P, Mylona-Petropoulou D, Antoniadou A, Giamarellou H, Malamou-Lada H, Karabinis A. Program and abstracts of the 19th Annual Congress of European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, 24-27 September 2006, Barcelona.
29. Outcomes and characteristics of trauma petients hospitilized in a Greek ICU in a 5-year period [Abstract 0598]. Paramythiotou E, Ntagiopoulos P, Aggelopoulou H, Koutsodimitropoulos J, Poularas J, Kalogeromitros A, Karabinis A. Program and abstracts of the 19th Annual Congress of European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, 24-27 September 2006, Barcelona.
30. A 12-month recording of adverse drug effects caused by commmonly used antimicrobials in the ICU [Abstract 0285]. Paramythiotou E, Aggelopoulou H, Kalogeropoulou O, Karakitsos D, Ntagiopoulos P, Karabinis A. Program and abstracts of the 19th Annual Congress of European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, 24-27 September 2006, Barcelona.
31. Susceptibility pattern of bronchial surveillance cultures in an intensive care unit in one-year [Abstract 757]. Paramythiotou E, Theodoropoulos G, Psoma G, Koukoulitsos G, Strouza-Koutsogera A, Poularas J, Dayiopoulos P, Karabinis A. Official Journal of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine 2005;31(1):757. Program and abstracts of the 18th Annual Congress of European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, 25-28 September 2005, Amsterdam. Intensive Care Medicine 2003;29(Suppl.1):757.
32. Influence of antimicrobial restriction on the antibiotic resistance pattern in an ICU [Abstract 522]. Paramythiotou E, Ntagiopoulos P, Antoniadou A, Poulakou G, Tsaganos G, Katsala D, Koukoulitsos D, Giamarellou H, Karabinis A. Official Journal of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine 2004;30(1):522. Program and abstracts of the 17th Annual Congress of European Society of Intensive Care Medicine. 10-13 October 2004, Amsterdam. Intensive Care Medicine 2004;30(Suppl.1):522.
33. A 6-month study of infections and antibiotic resistance pattern in a Greek ICU [Abstract 219]. Paramythiotou E, Ntagiopoulos P, Giamarellou H, Antoniadou A, Poulakou G, Karabinis A. Critical Care 2004;8(1):P219. Available at http://ccforum.com/ content/8/ S1/P219. Program and abstracts of the 24th International Symprosium of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine. 30 March-2 April 2004, Brussels.
34. Vancomycin resistant enterococci in an intensive care unit [Abstract 382]. Paramythiotou E, Kontopidou F, Mylona D, Kalogeromitros A, Poularas I, Krikos V, Dagiopoulos P, Katsarelis N, Karabinis A. Official Journal of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine 2003;29(1):382. Program and abstracts of the 16th Annual Congress of European Society of Intensive Care Medicine. 5-8 October 2003, Amsterdam. Intensive Care Medicine 2003;29(Suppl.1):382. Available on-line DOI: 10.1007/s00134-004-2371-
35. A three-month study of infections and antibiotic resistance pattern in a Greek Intensive Care Unit [Abstract 58 FP6.03]. Ntagiopoulos P, Paramythiotou E, Antoniadou A, Kontopidou F, Giamarellou H, Malamou-Lada H, Karabinis A. Program and abstracts of the 5th European Congress of Chemotherapy and Infection, 17-20 October 2003, Rhodes – Greece.
36. O96: The mid-term functional and clinical effects of trochleoplasty in the surgical treatment of patients with recurrent patellar dislocation. P.G. Ntagiopoulos, P. Byn, P. Ferrua, D. Dejour. Program & Abstracts of the 66th Congress of the Hellenic Orthopaedic Society (EEXOT) 4-7 October 2013, Athens, Greece.
37. O97: The effects of trochleoplasty in the improvement of imaging etiologic factors of patellar dislocation. P.G. Ntagiopoulos, P. Byn, P. Ferrua, D. Dejour. Program & Abstracts of the 66th Congress of the Hellenic Orthopaedic Society (EEXOT) 4-7 October 2013, Athens, Greece.
38. O112: Are the current total knee arthroplasty designs anatomic? Evidence of trochlear dysplasia in knee components. P.G. Ntagiopoulos, M. Saffarini, D. Dejour. Program & Abstracts of the 66th Congress of the Hellenic Orthopaedic Society (EEXOT) 4-7 October 2013, Athens, Greece.
39. O125: Comparison of three different techniques for ACL reconstruction: Single-bundle BPTB, double-bundle Hamstrings and single-bundle with Lemaire procedure. P.G. Ntagiopoulos, W. Vanconcelos, N. Bonin, P.R. Fernandes Saggin, D. Dejour. Program & Abstracts of the 66th Congress of the Hellenic Orthopaedic Society (EEXOT) 4-7 October 2013, Athens, Greece.
Λίστα με συνέδρια που συμμετείχε – συνεχιζόμενη εκπαίδευση
1. Advanced Trauma Life Supportâ Certificate (ATLSâ): American College of Surgeons – Chapter and
Committee of Trauma, 2006.
2. AO/ASIF Principles of Operative Fracture Management Certificate for Surgeons: Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, 2006.
3. 11th Advanced Arthroscopy Course (ESSKA 2000), Courmayeur – Italy, 2008.
4. AO/ASIFä Advanced Course of Operative Fracture Management for Orthopaedic Surgeons, Leeds UK, 2007.
5. Course in Hand Surgery & Microsurgery, University of Ioannina, School of Medicine, Dpt of Orthopaedics, 2007.
6. Workshop by TriMed bioskills on the ‘Internal Fixation of Distal Radius Fractures’ as part of the 1st Annual Seminar Distal Radius Fractures – Today’s Treatment, Athens 10-11 November, 2006.
7. Advanced Course of Arthroscopy – ESSKA 2000 & Karolinska Institutet, January 2008, Courmayeur – Italy.
8. 1st Shoulder Arthroscopy Course of the Upper Limb Committee of ESSKA, October 31st, 2008, Athens.
9. Instructor of intramedullary nailing; University of Patras, Dpt of Orthopaecis, ‘Intramedullary nailing Course’, 2009.
10. 63rd Panhellenic Congress of Orthopaedics Surgeons, 2007, Athens.
11. 64th Panhellenic Congress of Orthopaedics Surgeons, 2008, Athens.
12. 65th Panhellenic Congress of Orthopaedics Surgeons, 2009, Thessaloniki.
13. 7th Course of Hand Surgical Anatomy, University of Ioannina, School of Medicine, Dpt of Orthopaedics, 2009.
15. Osteosynthese International 2009 – Annual Congress of the Gerhard Küntscher Society (GKS). Sept. 10-11, 2009, Leeds, UK.
16. 9th EFORT Congress, Nice – France, 29 May – 1 June 2008.
17. 2009 American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeon (AAOS) Annual Meeting, February 25-28, 2009, Las Vegas, USA.
18. 2010 American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeon (AAOS) Annual Meeting, March 9-13, New Orleans, USA.
19. Complex Upper Extremity Trauma Course, 2nd International Symposium, OTC Hellas, March 20, 2010, Athens.
20. 1st Seminar of Surgical Anatomy Foot & Ankle, Univeristy of Ioannina, Schoolf of Medicine, Dpt of Orthopaedics, March 2010.
21. 2nd International Seminar on Hand-Upper Limb Surgery, ‘Shoulder Surgery-Current Concepts‘, 27-29 May 2010, Athens.
22. 1st Seminar on Hand Surgery of the Athens Medical Center Upper Limb Firm (Hellenic College Orthopaedic Surgeons), March 27-28, 2008, Athens.
23. 4th Seminar on Hand Surgery of the Athens Medical Center Upper Limb Firm (Hellenic College Orthopaedic Surgeons), October 1-2, 2010, Athens
24. 66th Panhellenic Congress of Orthopaedics Surgeons, 2008, Athens.
25. Course on ‘Hip Joint Replacement: Hard Bearings and Modularity‘, organised by the Orthopaedic Dpt. Of University of Patras, 22-24 October 2010, Vytina, Greece.
26. Osteosynthesis & Trauma Care Seminar ‘Femoral Fractures’, 13 November 2010, Athens.
27. Cadaveric arthroscopic course of the ankle, ATOS Klinik, May 2011, Heidelberg, Germany.
28. Cadaveric course on shoulder and knee arthroscopy, Arthrolab Arthrex, November 2011, Munich, Germany.
29. 15th ESSKA Congress, 2-5 May 2-12, Geneva, Switzerland.
30. 13th EFORT Congress, 22-25 May 2012, Berlin, Germany.
31. 15èmes Journées Lyonnaises de Chirurgie du Genou: La Patella, 20-22 September 2012, Lyon, France.
32. Annual Congress of the French Arthroscopic Society (SFA), 6-8 December 2012, Lille, France.
33. International HLS Academy Course, 31/1-1/2/2013, Lyon, France.
34. 3rd International Knee Update, 7-9 March 2013, Davos, Switzerland.
35. 5th Congress of Hellenic Association of Arthroscopy Knee Surgery & Sports Injuries, 3-6 April, Larissa, Greece.
36. 9th Biennal ISAKOS Congress, 12-16 May 2013, Toronto, Canada.
37. 14th EFORT Congress, 5-8 June 2013, Istanbul, Turkey
38. 69th Panhellenic Congress of Orthopaedics Surgeons (EEXOT), 2013, Athens.
39. 88th Congress of Societe Franchaise de Chirurgie Orthopaedique et Traumatologique (So.F.C.O.T.), 11-14 November 2013, Paris, France.
40. Societe Francaise d’Arthroscopie (SFA) Annual Congress, 5-7 December 2013, Bordeaux, France